sâmbătă, 20 decembrie 2008
Marsul Voluntarilor pentru Drepturile Omului
Un proiect al Renatei şi Dan Verejanu, realizat de ONG-urile din Reţeaua OMCT,
în parteneriat cu Casa Naţiunilor Unite din Moldova, şi în special cu Consilierul pentru Drepturile Omului. 8 decembrie 2008. Chişinău, Moldova
(pentru că pe 10 decembrie eram deja la UNESCO, Paris)
Drepturile Omului,
miercuri, 17 decembrie 2008
De cîte ori vin la UNESCO, Paris, mă bucur de cîte expoziţii cuprinde edificiul acestui for internaţional al culturii, educaţiei şi ştiinţei...
Renata Verejanu,
marți, 16 decembrie 2008
marți, 18 noiembrie 2008
Dialog Intercultural cu Dan Verejanu
Şirul de manifestări organizate de liderii ONG-urilor din Reţeaua OMCT: Renata şi Dan Verejanu,- Conferinţa Europeană a Junilor Jurnalişti, Conferinţa Transfrontalieră a Tinerilor, Concertul de Binefacere "Renata Verejanu şi prietenii săi" - au eclipsat toate cele peste 8000 de ONG-uri din Moldova în aşa zisă "săptămînă a tineretului, ziua tineretului, ziua studenţilor etc.
Anul Tineretului,
Renata Verejanu,
Reteaua OMCT
duminică, 26 octombrie 2008
22 octombrie - Ziua Renatei Verejanu
Luna octombrie 2008 - e luna Renatei Verejanu...
Participarea la Asambleea Parlamentara a Consiliului Europei,
Conferinte de presa, lansarea a doua noi proiecte
pe langa cele peste 100 pe care le implementeaza,
Sarbatoarea vinului, Hramul Chisinaului, o vizita la bastina,
nunta Secretarului General OMCT,
intalnirea cu cititorii la Biblioteca Onisifor Ghibu,
la Biblioteca Targoviste,
deschiderea de noi Cluburi ale Consiliului Europei...
sarbatorile dedicate Zilei Renatei Verejanu de la Liceul Ginta Latina,
Liceul Vasile Vasilache, Liceul Danti Aligieri...
Ziua de nastere...
Si dupa ziua dansei mai vin cosurile cu flori...
Dan Verejanu,
voluntar si promotor de-o viata
al Societatii Civile
Consiliul Europei,
Lideri OMCT,
Renata Verejanu
duminică, 19 octombrie 2008
Nunta Secretarului General al OMCT
A fost dragii mei,
o nunta regala...
Glumea, tot glumea cineva,
ca Renata Verejanu creste printi si printese,
ca sa convingem ca asa si este...
Si Adrian Ursu, printul lansat de OMCT,
si Vitalie Dvorean, voluntar educat de
Scoala vietii a OMCT,
si eu, Dan Verejanu, care va relatey
despre aceasta nunta
nemaipomenit de frumoasa,
cu cel mai frumos mire al ultimilor 10 ani...
miercuri, 15 octombrie 2008
Hramul Chisinaului
A fost o sarbatoare nemaipomenita... Un timp fantastic, atata lume adunata de parca e anul 1989, Irina Loghin, Fuego, Gheorghe Zamfir, Lautarii, Stefan Petrache...
Ce sa mai zic... Voluntarii de la ONG-urile din Reteaua OMCT si poeta Renata Verejanu au dansat toata noaptea... Asta e Piata Marii Adunari Nationale...
Acesta e Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt...
Dorin Chirtoaca,
Hramul Chisinaului,
Renata Verejanu,
Stefan Petrache
luni, 13 octombrie 2008
Comunicat de presă
Academia Europeană a Societăţii Civile şi cele peste 40 de ONG-uri din Reţeaua OMCT, printre care: Organizaţia Mondială a Copiilor Talentaţi, Cluburile Consiliului Europei, Federaţia din Moldova a Asociaţiilor, Centrelor şi Cluburilor UNESCO, Agenţia Tinerilor Jurnalişti „AMP-Internaţional”, Ziarul „Copiii Europei” comunică:
Societatea Civilă din R.Moldova este profund îngrijorată de degradarea pe zi ce trece a societăţii în care trăim, de indiferenţa factorilor de decizie în ce priveşte corupţia înrădăcinată trainic la toate nivelurile instituţiilor publice, de obrăznicia colaboratorilor instituţiilor care sunt hrănite din munca cetăţeanului şi trebuie să fie în serviciul acestui cetăţean, de intimidarea mass-mediei, de apariţia şi susţinerea făţişă a xenofobiei în rîndul tinerilor, de promovarea deschisă a urii instituţiilor statale faţă de cetăţean din simplu motiv că el aparţine unui sau altui partid politic, de promovarea ideii de federalizăre a Republicii Moldova.
Drepturile omului sunt încălcate în R.Moldova de dimineaţa pînă seara, la fiecare pas:
Agentia Tinerilor Jurnalisti
Societatea Civilă din R.Moldova este profund îngrijorată de degradarea pe zi ce trece a societăţii în care trăim, de indiferenţa factorilor de decizie în ce priveşte corupţia înrădăcinată trainic la toate nivelurile instituţiilor publice, de obrăznicia colaboratorilor instituţiilor care sunt hrănite din munca cetăţeanului şi trebuie să fie în serviciul acestui cetăţean, de intimidarea mass-mediei, de apariţia şi susţinerea făţişă a xenofobiei în rîndul tinerilor, de promovarea deschisă a urii instituţiilor statale faţă de cetăţean din simplu motiv că el aparţine unui sau altui partid politic, de promovarea ideii de federalizăre a Republicii Moldova.
Drepturile omului sunt încălcate în R.Moldova de dimineaţa pînă seara, la fiecare pas:
Agentia Tinerilor Jurnalisti
Academia ESC,
Consiliul Europei
Conferinta de presa a ONG-urilor din Reteaua OMCT
Conferinta de presa
tinuta de
poeta Renata Verejanu,
presedintele Academiei Europene a Societatii Civile,
fondatorul Organizatiei Mondiale a Copiilor Talentati,
Consiliul Europei,
Renata Verejanu
duminică, 12 octombrie 2008
Comunicat de presa
Academia Europeană a Societăţii Civile
şi ONG-urile din Reţeaua OMCT
în preajma alegerilor din 2009
vă invită la
Conferinţa de presă
cu tema:
“Cât ne va monitoriza Consiliul Europei…”
La Conferinţa de presă
va participa o delegaţie a
Academiei Europene a Societăţii Civile
care a participat recent la
Adunarea parlamentară a
Consiliului Europei.
Conferinţa de presă
se va desfăşura în incinta
luni, 13 octombrie 2008,
ora 11.00
Informaţii la tel.: 22 66 75
Agentia Tinerilor Jurnalişti
şi ONG-urile din Reţeaua OMCT
în preajma alegerilor din 2009
vă invită la
Conferinţa de presă
cu tema:
“Cât ne va monitoriza Consiliul Europei…”
La Conferinţa de presă
va participa o delegaţie a
Academiei Europene a Societăţii Civile
care a participat recent la
Adunarea parlamentară a
Consiliului Europei.
Conferinţa de presă
se va desfăşura în incinta
luni, 13 octombrie 2008,
ora 11.00
Informaţii la tel.: 22 66 75
Agentia Tinerilor Jurnalişti
Consiliul Europei,
vineri, 10 octombrie 2008
vineri, 26 septembrie 2008
joi, 25 septembrie 2008
CopiiiTalentati spun NU! coruptiei
Renatei Verejanu.
Lansarea proiectelor
pentru perioada
de activitate
in cadrul
Clubului Consiliului Europei,
Onisifor Ghibu.
Receptie cu ocazia
Zilei de nastere a lui Daniel Verejanu,
a Echinotiului de toamna,
si lansarii
Copiii Talentati spun NU! coruptiei
Renata Verejanu,
miercuri, 24 septembrie 2008
Caravana Culturii Pacii, proiect al OMCT
Caravana Culturii Păcii şi Non-violenţei,
unul dintre cele mai de lungă durată proiecte,
care a cuprins multe ţări şi multă lume,
un grandios proiect multidimensional -
proiectul Renatei Verejanu,
implementat de ONG-urile din Reţeaua OMCT.
Conseil de l"Europe,
Renata Verejanu,
sâmbătă, 20 septembrie 2008
Lideri de opinie
Liberă şi independentă în toate timpurile
Si în timpul totalitarismului, şi în timpul mişcării de renaştere, şi în perioada de dupa 2001, timp în care s-a instalat un totalitarism şi mai dur – în toate timpurile jurnalista şi poetul Renata Verejanu a rămas intelectualul care s-a situat în afara tuturor curentelor de opinie din societate. Ea şi-a asumat o independenţă de gândire, lucru care a costat-o mult. Ne fiind cu nici o gaşcă - risca sa fie înghiţită sau marginalizată de oricare grupare de politicieni, intelectuali, lideri de opinie etc. Dar cei care o cunosc bine – tot mai des îi cer cîte un sfat, şi mereu îi solicită opinia despre acel sau celălalt eveniment.
În această toamnă, promotorul Societăţii Civile din Moldova, promotorul activităţii Consiliului Europei - unul dintre liderii mişcării pentru renaştere, Renata Verejanu sărbătoreşte 20 de ani de la lansarea în capitală şi activitatea rodnică a Cenaclului muzical-literar-politic „Grai Matern”.
Si în timpul totalitarismului, şi în timpul mişcării de renaştere, şi în perioada de dupa 2001, timp în care s-a instalat un totalitarism şi mai dur – în toate timpurile jurnalista şi poetul Renata Verejanu a rămas intelectualul care s-a situat în afara tuturor curentelor de opinie din societate. Ea şi-a asumat o independenţă de gândire, lucru care a costat-o mult. Ne fiind cu nici o gaşcă - risca sa fie înghiţită sau marginalizată de oricare grupare de politicieni, intelectuali, lideri de opinie etc. Dar cei care o cunosc bine – tot mai des îi cer cîte un sfat, şi mereu îi solicită opinia despre acel sau celălalt eveniment.
În această toamnă, promotorul Societăţii Civile din Moldova, promotorul activităţii Consiliului Europei - unul dintre liderii mişcării pentru renaştere, Renata Verejanu sărbătoreşte 20 de ani de la lansarea în capitală şi activitatea rodnică a Cenaclului muzical-literar-politic „Grai Matern”.
Renata Verejanu,
miercuri, 10 septembrie 2008
Young people of the year
International Award for European young people
The prize “Young people of the year” is a prestigious international award offered by the European Academy of Civil Society and World Organization of Talented Children to the most active and talented young people (girls and boys) from the member countries of the Council of Europe. The prize is awarded to young people between 16 and 25 years old who have successes at national or even international level in different domains such are: young journalists, singers, performers,
film-makers, poets, painters, sportive champions, dancers, Olympics at different domains, young people that have performances in knowledge of foreign languages or computer (Internet), young researchers, young volunteers with fruitful activity in NGOs, promoters of Child’s Rights and Human Rights and young people with performances in other areas of vital importance.
The submissions will be accepted until 1st January 2009 deadline, online or by mail. The request will include:
- Personal CV
- 1 color photo
- Home address and phone, fax, e-mail and web site.
- Address from high-school/faculty or work.
- Letter of recommendation from the working place (study place).
- Copies of other awards, materials from magazines or newspapers, CDs or other materials that confirm that the candidate deserves the award.
The winners will be invited at the Prize Awarding Ceremony “Young man/woman of the year” that will take place between 8 and 12 March 2009 in one of the countries that will have winners. The prize will be awarded in the presence of the President of Prime-Minister of the country that will host the ceremony.
European Academy of Civil Society
World Organization of Talented Children
Contact persons:
Dan Verejanu,
E-mail: ceclubs@yahoo.com
The prize “Young people of the year” is a prestigious international award offered by the European Academy of Civil Society and World Organization of Talented Children to the most active and talented young people (girls and boys) from the member countries of the Council of Europe. The prize is awarded to young people between 16 and 25 years old who have successes at national or even international level in different domains such are: young journalists, singers, performers,
film-makers, poets, painters, sportive champions, dancers, Olympics at different domains, young people that have performances in knowledge of foreign languages or computer (Internet), young researchers, young volunteers with fruitful activity in NGOs, promoters of Child’s Rights and Human Rights and young people with performances in other areas of vital importance.
The submissions will be accepted until 1st January 2009 deadline, online or by mail. The request will include:
- Personal CV
- 1 color photo
- Home address and phone, fax, e-mail and web site.
- Address from high-school/faculty or work.
- Letter of recommendation from the working place (study place).
- Copies of other awards, materials from magazines or newspapers, CDs or other materials that confirm that the candidate deserves the award.
The winners will be invited at the Prize Awarding Ceremony “Young man/woman of the year” that will take place between 8 and 12 March 2009 in one of the countries that will have winners. The prize will be awarded in the presence of the President of Prime-Minister of the country that will host the ceremony.
European Academy of Civil Society
World Organization of Talented Children
Contact persons:
Dan Verejanu,
E-mail: ceclubs@yahoo.com
Academia ESC,
Consiliul Europei,
duminică, 7 septembrie 2008
Poze de la Salonul International de Carte
- Poeta Renata Verejanu nu va pleaca niciodată din Moldova,-
îmi zise un basarabean care s-a aranjat foarte bine la Bucureşti.
- De ce crezi aşa, - îl întreb.
- Nu ştiu o altă persoană care să-şi adore atât de mult meleagul, - îmi răspunse basarabeanul.
- Şi tu, îl întreb direct?
- Eu, tu, el, alţii...suntem mai altfel.
Poeta Renata Verejanu este dintr-o bucată.
cititor al cărţilor Renatei Rerejanu
Renata Verejanu,
Salonul International de Carte,
luni, 25 august 2008
Crucea inundata
Citesc romanul "Semnul Crucii", al lui Daniel Verejanu, scris la 12 ani, si ma uit la aceasta cruce scufundata pana la gura in apa murdara a invidiei...
Cum ne traim viata, dragii mei contemporani?...
Caravana inundatiei,
politică murdară,
Renata Verejanu,
luni, 18 august 2008
Renata Verejanu si Consiliul Europei
Am făcut mai multe poze cu lideri de partide,
cu porsoane cu care m-am cunoscut aici, la Strasbourg,
cu vechi cunoştinţe...
Când te întâlneşti la Strasbourg e un alt fel de întâlnire...
În poză: Renata Verejanu, Dumitru Diacov şi cineva din România
care a dorit să fie alături de noi...
Consiliul Europei,
Renata Verejanu,
sâmbătă, 2 august 2008
Aniversarea a V-a
Academia Europeana a Societatii Civile... activeaza rodnic deja CINCI ani...
In haosul perioadei de tranzitie, Academia Europeana a Societatii Civile e ca aceasta insula din largul oceanului...
Proiecte originale a lansat si a implementat Academia Europeana...
Din 2004, anual, realizeaza Conferinta Transfrontaliera a Tinerilor...
primul proiect transfrontalier al tinerilor pentru tineri...
Monitorizarea alegerilor Primarului General, alegerilor locale generale, alegerile parlamentare din 2005...
Asambleea in Deplasare a Tinerilor Europeni, o campanie care promoveaza activitatea Consiliului Europei si a UE in randul tineretului din localitatile rurale a Moldovei.
Reteaua Nationala a Observatorilor Impartiali...
Copiii Talentati - Victime ale Coruptiei,
Crearea de noi structuri (ONG) pentru copii si tineret atat in Moldova (Mingir, Leova, Chetrocu) cat si in alte tari...
Training-urile si cursurile saptamanale de la Bibliotecile Onisifor Ghibu, Transilvania, Alecu Russo etc.
Acestea sunt dor cateva dintre proiectele Academiei Europene a SC, implementate cu succes, doar pe munca de voluntariat...
Vizita la Parlamentul European mi-a dat o mică speranţă, că şi noi,
cândva, cumva, vom avea reprezentanţii Moldovei aici...
şipoate că fiul va fi printre acesşti reprezentanţi...
Academia ESC,
Consiliul Europei,
Renata Verejanu,
marți, 17 iunie 2008
Mesaj lui Terry Davis
Dear Mr. Terry Davis,
Secretary General of Council of Europe
The Executive Board thanks you for your trust in the project achieved by the volunteers from World Organization of Talented Children (WOTC). Your kind gesture of granting your patronage to the 15th edition of this original dialogue between cultures and people, has challenged more and more the spirit of the volunteers from WOTC in their work for the benefit of their mates, of the society they live in, for a more prosperous future, for a more united Europe.
The International Festival-Contest World Talents (Little Prince) became a long-term project already known all over Europe. The 15 editions of Intercultural Dialogue are the proof of a viable project and very necessary to young generation, to European society and to this beginning of the millennium.
In the cruelest period of transition, WOTC develops every year projects that involve several countries and over 55000 young people from all the continents. Intimidated by poverty and corruption, the youth who participate in the WOTC network regain their self-trust, in people, in the future. The delegations from different countries which participated at this intercultural dialogue, at their return home are trying to achieve WOTC projects, contributing in this way at strenghtening of the World Organization of Talented Children, to the creation of an International Volunteers Network.
By this project, WOTC implements every year Child’s Rights, promote the activity of Council of Europe and UNESCO, achieves cultural politics, educational politics, minorities politics, promote a media non-contaminated by totalitarianism, promote democracy. The ambition of the WOTC leaders and their hard work made the impossible to become possible: only they could develop in 2008 without any funds an Intercultural Dialogue, for which other people spend milions. This is the proof of a perfect projet administration, of a competent team. But also a good example of fruitful collaboration between Civil Society and public administration, between Civil Society and privat sector, between Civil Society and parliament, between Civil Society from former Soviet Union and international institutions.
At the developing of the 15th edition have participated over 100 young talents, and indirect, over 5000 persons of different nations, religions, social categories from Portugal to Republic Adigeea (Russian Federation). The 15th edition was a great success of intercultural dialogue from Eastern Europe.
Today begins the preparation of the 16th edition of International Festival-Contest World Talents (Little Prince), edition dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Council of Europe. We hope, Secretary General, to be always near the authors of this project.
The Executive Board of the World Organization of Talented Children has proposed Your candidature for the next edition of the “Person of the Year” Ceremony.
With deeply respect,
Dan and Renata Verejanu,
The leaders of the NGOs within the WOTC network
Secretary General of Council of Europe
The Executive Board thanks you for your trust in the project achieved by the volunteers from World Organization of Talented Children (WOTC). Your kind gesture of granting your patronage to the 15th edition of this original dialogue between cultures and people, has challenged more and more the spirit of the volunteers from WOTC in their work for the benefit of their mates, of the society they live in, for a more prosperous future, for a more united Europe.
The International Festival-Contest World Talents (Little Prince) became a long-term project already known all over Europe. The 15 editions of Intercultural Dialogue are the proof of a viable project and very necessary to young generation, to European society and to this beginning of the millennium.
In the cruelest period of transition, WOTC develops every year projects that involve several countries and over 55000 young people from all the continents. Intimidated by poverty and corruption, the youth who participate in the WOTC network regain their self-trust, in people, in the future. The delegations from different countries which participated at this intercultural dialogue, at their return home are trying to achieve WOTC projects, contributing in this way at strenghtening of the World Organization of Talented Children, to the creation of an International Volunteers Network.
By this project, WOTC implements every year Child’s Rights, promote the activity of Council of Europe and UNESCO, achieves cultural politics, educational politics, minorities politics, promote a media non-contaminated by totalitarianism, promote democracy. The ambition of the WOTC leaders and their hard work made the impossible to become possible: only they could develop in 2008 without any funds an Intercultural Dialogue, for which other people spend milions. This is the proof of a perfect projet administration, of a competent team. But also a good example of fruitful collaboration between Civil Society and public administration, between Civil Society and privat sector, between Civil Society and parliament, between Civil Society from former Soviet Union and international institutions.
At the developing of the 15th edition have participated over 100 young talents, and indirect, over 5000 persons of different nations, religions, social categories from Portugal to Republic Adigeea (Russian Federation). The 15th edition was a great success of intercultural dialogue from Eastern Europe.
Today begins the preparation of the 16th edition of International Festival-Contest World Talents (Little Prince), edition dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Council of Europe. We hope, Secretary General, to be always near the authors of this project.
The Executive Board of the World Organization of Talented Children has proposed Your candidature for the next edition of the “Person of the Year” Ceremony.
With deeply respect,
Dan and Renata Verejanu,
The leaders of the NGOs within the WOTC network
Concursul "Micul Print",
Consiliul Europei,
Renata Verejanu
miercuri, 4 iunie 2008
Renata Verejanu va prezinta Moldova
Nu mai cunosc o altă persoană, nici personalitate,
care să adore atât de mult Moldova,
care, având paşaport românesc încă din 1997
să nu plece undeva după bani mari
după avere, ci să activeze în societatea civilă,
să lucreze zi de zi, şi s'mbetele, şi duminicile...
pentru a lănsa noi şi noi idei şi proiecte spre binele Moldovei...
Vreau să-i zic: Mersi doamnă,dar la ce-i ajută acest mersi al mei, al altor copii...
al Societăţii Civile
Renata Verejanu,
Reteaua OMCT,
marți, 15 aprilie 2008
La sediul nou al OMCT
Din orice odaita stim a crea un "palat",
stim sa oferim caldura si frumusete
oricatei incaperi, oricarui spatiu...
Pentru ca deja avem
o experianta enorma de a crea binele...
Desi podul e groznic, desi podeaua nu e vopsita -
noi venim cu flori, cu zambet, cu multa omenie:
intr-un ceas bun, voluntari de la OMCT!...
Primul lucru - atarnam pe peretele din fata
un trofeu (emblema)
Festivalului-Concurs International
"Micul Print"...
un covoras foarte drag, ca si acest proiect
care a lansat mii de talente
la nivel international si a creat
prestigiul R.Moldova si Romaniei,
tari unde s-a desfasurat Concursul.
Apoi aducem multe flori...
si cele mai frumoase cosuri de pe lume...
Nu prea incapem, dar... esentialul,
sa incapa zambetul si demnitatea...
In poze:
Daniel Verejanu, promotor al Societatii Civile,
si dna Valentina Nicov, membru al AESC.
Interesant ca nu veti crede
ca Daniel e cu temperatura 39,6
si mama dnei Valentina e la spital
in asteptarea unei interventii
foarte complicate la inima...
Astea sunt voluntarii de la
ONG-urile din Reteaua OMCT...
Care demnitar poate percepe acest lucru?...
Societatii Civile
Conseil de l"Europe,
Lideri OMCT,
Renata Verejanu
duminică, 13 aprilie 2008
Biblioteca "Alecu Russo"
O intalnire nemaipomenita a poetei Renata Verejanu cu cititorii Bibliotecii "Alecu Russo".(studenti de la USM, ASEM, UTM,ULIM etc, elevi de la liceele de pe Ciocana) din municipiul Chisinau. 7 martie 2008.
Lideri OMCT,
Renata Verejanu
sâmbătă, 12 aprilie 2008
Talented Children World Forum
Talented Children World Forum
has as a mastermind the International Festival-Contest of Talented Children "Little Prince" that is developed since 1993, and since 1995 worldwide. Besides this unique and original project, Talented Children World Forum is composed of several projects, that are different from year to year.
In 2001 Talented Children World Forum had the title "10000 children resolve, 2001 children communicate" Besides this Festival from 2001, The European Year of the Languages was developed and the project "I speak your language, You speak my language".
Talented Children World Forum was personally saluted by the General Secretary of the Council of Europe, Mr.Walter Schwimmer, and by the General Director of UNESCO,Mr.Koichiro Matsuura. The Forum was saluted by heads of states, civil society personalities etc. The UN Representative in Moldova had opened a special address on Internet for the children messages who participated at the Talented Children World Forum.
In 2002 the International Festival-Contest "Little Prince" has developed under the highest patronage of the General Secretary of the Council of Europe, Mr.Walter Schwimmer.
Was the most succesful edition from the artistic point of view.
The official opening of Talented Children World Forum took place on May,30th, at the National Hall, where for 3 hours thousands of spectators rised up to applaud and to salute the talent of those 300 young people of 17 nations from 12 countries. Such event wasn't seen in the concert halls.
The Little Prince Contest was developed in the most luxury hall-Club 01, Centre "Moscova", National Theatre M.Eminescu, where were all the conditions required to such an International Festival.
The Prize Awarding Ceremony was developed on a big stage in open-air from the Opera Theater Plaza, where thousands of spectators received the message of the European youth in different languages.
The Talented Children World Forum implements several politics, such are
educational politics, cultural politics, childhood politics, youth politics, minorities politics, refufees politics, Culture of Peace and Non-Violence politics.
has as a mastermind the International Festival-Contest of Talented Children "Little Prince" that is developed since 1993, and since 1995 worldwide. Besides this unique and original project, Talented Children World Forum is composed of several projects, that are different from year to year.
In 2001 Talented Children World Forum had the title "10000 children resolve, 2001 children communicate" Besides this Festival from 2001, The European Year of the Languages was developed and the project "I speak your language, You speak my language".
Talented Children World Forum was personally saluted by the General Secretary of the Council of Europe, Mr.Walter Schwimmer, and by the General Director of UNESCO,Mr.Koichiro Matsuura. The Forum was saluted by heads of states, civil society personalities etc. The UN Representative in Moldova had opened a special address on Internet for the children messages who participated at the Talented Children World Forum.
In 2002 the International Festival-Contest "Little Prince" has developed under the highest patronage of the General Secretary of the Council of Europe, Mr.Walter Schwimmer.
Was the most succesful edition from the artistic point of view.
The official opening of Talented Children World Forum took place on May,30th, at the National Hall, where for 3 hours thousands of spectators rised up to applaud and to salute the talent of those 300 young people of 17 nations from 12 countries. Such event wasn't seen in the concert halls.
The Little Prince Contest was developed in the most luxury hall-Club 01, Centre "Moscova", National Theatre M.Eminescu, where were all the conditions required to such an International Festival.
The Prize Awarding Ceremony was developed on a big stage in open-air from the Opera Theater Plaza, where thousands of spectators received the message of the European youth in different languages.
The Talented Children World Forum implements several politics, such are
educational politics, cultural politics, childhood politics, youth politics, minorities politics, refufees politics, Culture of Peace and Non-Violence politics.
joi, 10 aprilie 2008
vineri, 21 martie 2008
sâmbătă, 15 martie 2008
miercuri, 12 martie 2008
luni, 10 martie 2008
Talented Children World Forum
Talented Children World Forum
29 May -1 June 2008
Chisinau, capital of Republic of Moldova
Letter of invitation
Dear Friends
World Organization of Talented Children (WOTC, with general headquarters in Moldova, Chisinau), the author and developer of the original intercultural dialogue from South-Eastern Europe, invites you to participate at the 15th edition of the
International Festival-Contest “Little Prince”,
that will take place between
29 May - 1 June 2008 at Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
At the contest may participate young talented children in 3 sections :
Section I - Children aged between 6 and 10 years old.
Section II - Children aged between 11 and 14 years old.
Section III - Children aged between 15 and 18 years old.
The International Festival-Contest “Little Prince” offers next prizes:
Great Prize for boy, and separate for a girl.
1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes for boys, and separate for girls.
All the participants are invited to participate in one, two or all three tests of the Contest: song (vocal or instrumental), dance (composition in national style, tango, waltz, rap or any other dance) and a poem (personal composition or from national literature). Each test must not exceed the 3 minutes limit. Are admitted that the accompaniment would be on CD.
The song and the poem may be performed in any language.
Are invited 1-3 talented children and a supervisor from your country for participating at the International Festival-Contest “Little Prince”.
We would like to inform you that until this edition have already participated over 50 000 (fifty thousands) young talents from Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Iraq South Korea, Malta, Moldova, Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine.
The prestige of the International Festival-Contest “Little Prince” grew up after that the World Organization of Talented Children was granted with participative status with Council of Europe. The participants at the Festival had the luck to win awards where was written:
In 2002 – the International Festival “Little Prince” took place under the highest patronage of Mr. Walter Schwimmer, General Secretary of the Council of Europe.
In 2003 – Honor President of the International Jury of the Festival: General Secretary of the Council of Europe.
The organizers of the International Festival-Contest “Little Prince” will cover for all participants the accommodation expenses and 1-2 meals per day – expenses supported by World Organization of Talented Children. The travel expenses are in each participant’s charge. The organizers of the Festival invite personalities of the European culture (composers, musicians, poets, performers etc.) as members of the International Jury.
To each member of the Jury will be covered the meals expenses (3 meals/day) and accommodation in hotel ( 5 stars). Will be awarded diplomas (certificates) for members of the International Jury, the trophy of the Festival.
The World Organization of Talented Children,
the author of the Intercultural Dialogue
29 May -1 June 2008
Chisinau, capital of Republic of Moldova
Letter of invitation
Dear Friends
World Organization of Talented Children (WOTC, with general headquarters in Moldova, Chisinau), the author and developer of the original intercultural dialogue from South-Eastern Europe, invites you to participate at the 15th edition of the
International Festival-Contest “Little Prince”,
that will take place between
29 May - 1 June 2008 at Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
At the contest may participate young talented children in 3 sections :
Section I - Children aged between 6 and 10 years old.
Section II - Children aged between 11 and 14 years old.
Section III - Children aged between 15 and 18 years old.
The International Festival-Contest “Little Prince” offers next prizes:
Great Prize for boy, and separate for a girl.
1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes for boys, and separate for girls.
All the participants are invited to participate in one, two or all three tests of the Contest: song (vocal or instrumental), dance (composition in national style, tango, waltz, rap or any other dance) and a poem (personal composition or from national literature). Each test must not exceed the 3 minutes limit. Are admitted that the accompaniment would be on CD.
The song and the poem may be performed in any language.
Are invited 1-3 talented children and a supervisor from your country for participating at the International Festival-Contest “Little Prince”.
We would like to inform you that until this edition have already participated over 50 000 (fifty thousands) young talents from Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Iraq South Korea, Malta, Moldova, Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine.
The prestige of the International Festival-Contest “Little Prince” grew up after that the World Organization of Talented Children was granted with participative status with Council of Europe. The participants at the Festival had the luck to win awards where was written:
In 2002 – the International Festival “Little Prince” took place under the highest patronage of Mr. Walter Schwimmer, General Secretary of the Council of Europe.
In 2003 – Honor President of the International Jury of the Festival: General Secretary of the Council of Europe.
The organizers of the International Festival-Contest “Little Prince” will cover for all participants the accommodation expenses and 1-2 meals per day – expenses supported by World Organization of Talented Children. The travel expenses are in each participant’s charge. The organizers of the Festival invite personalities of the European culture (composers, musicians, poets, performers etc.) as members of the International Jury.
To each member of the Jury will be covered the meals expenses (3 meals/day) and accommodation in hotel ( 5 stars). Will be awarded diplomas (certificates) for members of the International Jury, the trophy of the Festival.
The World Organization of Talented Children,
the author of the Intercultural Dialogue
Concursul "Micul Print",
luni, 18 februarie 2008
duminică, 17 februarie 2008
Man of the Year 2007 - Grigore Vieru
Daniel Verejanu, lider OMCT - nu ştia că Grigore Vieru, poetul neamului, îi strânge mâna pentru ultima dată.
Dan Verejanu,
Grigore Vieru,
Lideri OMCT,
Man of the Year 2007
vineri, 15 februarie 2008
Ozkan Alkan, Man of the Year 2007
Ozkan Alkan, General Manager, Leogrand
Renata Verejanu, President WOTC, project author
Ozkan Alkan si Dan Verejanu
Flori de la Ozkan Alkan
Renata Verejanu, President WOTC, project author
Ozkan Alkan si Dan Verejanu
Flori de la Ozkan Alkan
Leogrand Hotel,
Man of the Year 2007,
Ozkan Alkan,
Renata Verejanu
Man of the Year 2007 - WOTC
Premiul "Omul Anului" - proiect al Renatei Verejanu,
realizat anual de ONG-urile din Reţeaua OMCT
pentru partenerii de nădejde
la implementarea proiectelor
fără a obţine vre-un grant
de pe undeva.
Dan Verejanu,
Grigore Vieru,
Lideri OMCT,
Omul Anului
luni, 4 februarie 2008
vineri, 1 februarie 2008
marți, 29 ianuarie 2008
Voluntari, uniti-va
Voluntari din toată lumea, adunaţi-vă...
a zis odată poeta renata Verejanu,
au auzit-o cei de la Consiliul Europei,
şi tot adună lideri ai Societăţii Civile la
diverse foruri...
Dragos Vicol, azi deja doctor în şiinţe,
la momentrul apariţiei pe coperta
Revistei "Micul prinţ" ne-a creat mari probleme şi
a năpustit o mulţime de duşmani...
Poeta şi editorul Renata Verejanu
a ţinut piept la toate furtunile...
Interesant, azi îşi aduce aminte de
Revista "Micul Prinţ"?
Ion Munteanu si Petru Dascal
Ion Munteanu, actor şi regizor, în prima sa apariţie pe coperta unei reviste
Petrică Dascăl, fiul jurnalistei Valeria Dascăl, în prezent student la Viena...
În casa în care trăiau ei la Viena coperta Revistei "Micul prinţ" era pusă în ramă,
şi atârnată pe perete, la loc de cinste, ca o icoană...
Cronicar MP
Ion Munteanu,
Lideri OMCT,
Petru Dascal,
Renata Verejanu,
Revista "Micul Print"
Vasile Macovei
Vasile Macovei, deţinătorul Premilui Mare la
Festivalul-Concurs Internaţional al Talentelor Lumii "Micul Prinţ", ediţia 2005.
Primul concurs din viaţa lui Vasile Macovei
l-a făcut renumit îndată, mai ales
fiind susţinut de apariţia pe prima copertă
a Revistei "Micul Prinţ".
Ambele proiecte ale Renatei Verejanu aduc mare noroc.
Analizaţi performanţele lor până la Micul Prinţ,
şi după Micul Prinţ...
În perioada 2005-2007 Vasile Macovei a fost dus
de poeta Renata Verejanu şi la şefi de parlamente,
şi la ambasadori, şi pe cele mai de prestigiu scene,
oferinduise posibilitatea să cânte împreună cu Alexa
Imnul Concursului...şi adunându-i nenumăraţi fani...
care l-au susţinut şi cînd Vasile a băgat capul în Fabrică...
Dan Verejanu,
Lideri OMCT,
Revista "Micul Print",
Vasile Macovei
La Bucuresti si Soroca
Un vals în preajma Cetăţii Soroca, unde Micul Ptinţ a poposit
mai mulţi ani la rând, şi cu TV Moldovei chiar, la care
poeta Renata Verejanu îi plătea transportul...
doar ca sărbătoarea Micului Prinţ să ajungă
prin toate localităţile şi la Nord-ul Moldovei,
şi la Sud-ul Moldovei...
Pe coperta altui număr de revistă - învingătorii
Festivalului-Concurs Internaţional
al Talentelor Lumii
din Petroşani, România,
şi Sankt-Petersburg, Federaţia Rusă...
Cronicarul MP
Renata Verejanu,
Revista "Micul Print",
luni, 28 ianuarie 2008
Micul Print
Radu Codreanu şi Doina Sulac...
Pe Radu la adus mama sa, dna Galina Codreanu,
în prezent Preşedintele Consiliului de părinţi la OMCT şi
Vice-preşedinte la Academia Europeană a Societăţii Civile...
Pe Doina a adusa mama ei,
dar ca să le facă un cadou tatei,
lui Nicolae Sulac...
Dan Verejanu,
Doina Sulac,
Reteaua OMCT,
Revista "Micul Print"
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